Thursday 29 September 2011

Feeling neglected much?

Life is just so busy right now!
I'm not complaining in the slightest, i couldn't be happier!

So, where i left off i was just going to Reading festival....It was awesome!  The camping was surprisingly fun!  The toilets however where not, put it this way, me and baby wipes became very good friends over the weekend!  I got to see quite a few bands, when i look back i didn't see that many but when your there your allllll over the place, back and fourth from one tent to the next and it feels like hundreds.  I burnt off a lot of calories that weekend!!

So, me and The boy...Things are going so well!  We are still spending our weekends together and its a 50/50 split between staying in and chilling out together or going out for dinner!  Its a happy medium!  So this Sunday it is the 3 month mark, somehow it has worked out that were going to London on Sunday so were going to spend the day in Spitalfields (which is where we had our first date) and have a few too many drinks and RELAX!!!!  omg, I'm so on the go all the time atm that i just can't relax!  So hopefully a few drinks with him at our place will fix me good and proper!!

Work again is going so so well!  I have my first assignment with the media team coming up in November, I've also been asked to assist on a big event called Salon International...which is a big thing for hairdressers! 

So, to sum it all up things are great!! Although i have seriously been neglecting my derby life, i can't remember the last time i went to practise!  Not good, i miss it!!!

I need to get my skates on!!

Love, Sassy

Tuesday 23 August 2011

This is supposed to be my week off right?

Day one of my official week off far i haven't stopped!
I've only got one day left to get my stuff together before i leave for Reading Festival.  Thats just not enough time!

Had Mr. Stretton over this evening for dinner and jelly, can you remember the last time you had jelly?  Me either, it was lime, it was epic!  Anyway, we discussed stratedgys and what we needed to bring etc, etc.  Totally pumped!  I have been to a festival before, but that was V festival way back in 2004 and i went with the most dullest person EVER!  Reading is going to be epic!  Full on cmping, full on drinking, full on rocking *air guiter*
The line up!!!!

I just hope my enthusiasim lasts for the duration of the weekend!

This is Inkwork.  She is my beautiful tortoise shell kitty.  She will be joining the Pussy Palace soon!

Catch ya later Bill and Ted!

Love, Sassy

Thursday 18 August 2011

Brought to you today by the sounds of Adele - 21

I dont' necessary have a topic for my entry tonight but i need to get myself back in the habit of writing on a
regular basis.  But saying that, I have just finished watching the final chapter of Secret Diary of a call girl and having just popped out to the shop found myself narrating my journey through the store just like she does...well i found it entertaining but others just insane....ops!

Me and The Boy are going strong, we have found ourselves into a nice routine of seeing each other only at the weekends as we don't live in the same city.  Despite that, during the week I love the countdown to the weekend knowing that he is my reward for all my hard work that week and that my weekend is finally here.....this week has been excruciating.  I just can't wait to see him!  I hate it when he has to leave me on a Monday morning so he can go to work, i always find myself moving over to his side of the bed and breathing in his scent and falling asleep swiftly as if in his company.

We have briefly talked about the topic of "Us" and although i feel satisfied with how it went, there are still a few things that i feel need to be discussed.
As we are both very vocal about how we feel about each other, at no point i have i felt in the dark and so don't need to know where this is going, it's just one of those relationships that turn into a relationships without the need of "the talk."
I think for you to know truly where someone is emotionally, you need to know where they are coming from emotionally, so in a nutshell......the ex file.  I'm not talking about how they met what they did together i don't give a fuck about that shit, just about how they are feeling emotionally.  Basically, i wanna know if were in it to win it (as they say) or if I'm the rebound girl.  Simple.
Even if its based on real feelings, it's horrible feeling second best and I've been a rebound girl and I'm not going there again. Simple.

Anyway, we shall leave it at that for today.
Love, Sassy

Friday 5 August 2011

The Boy.

Not wanting to get all gushy and stuff, but merely just to document how i'm feeling right now so someday i can look back upon it and remember.

I got a message from a guy on a well known dating site asking if my tattoos on the back of my legs were real, I took a look his profile before deciding whether to reply or not and I thought he looks ok and his profile was a nice read so i replied to be polite, not expecting another reply.
Then a few days later I got another reply and again I replied. Soon enough we found ourselves talking about our mutual love; carbs and sex, as you do.

After a few weeks messaging online, it offered me his number, now I will admit I sat on that number for a week not really know exactly what to do. Before I committed to him having my number I wanted to be sure that I liked what I saw. I asked him for some more picture just so i could double check.....Yeah, so what if I'm a little shallow but the physical attraction is what draws you into someone and then the personality is the colour that fills the outline! If anyone disagrees with that, then your lying!!! Anyway, after seeing his updated pictures I soon thought 'This guy needs my number in his life' and swiftly texting him...

We started off sending random texts for a few days and then one evening he text saying he had just got home (at 22:30) so i thought that the last thing he would want to do is text on a small screen, so I rung him.....we was talking for 2hrs! Then an hour the next night and the was pretty clear that we got on well and i was impressed to find how much we had in common, so when we said about meeting up it already felt natural.
I had a week holiday coming up (for my friends wedding) and we arranged to meet up in London.

It didn't started off how i planned, but it ended perfectly. He was 1hr 1/2 late (but genuinely not his fault as the tubes were down). I sat myself down and read my book texting him all the while when suddenly I pair of legs appeared in front of me and when i looked up it was him, and by god he was gorgeous (better then the pictures!) he greeted me with a hug and smile and he was instantly forgiven. 

We wondered around Spitalfields and he guided me through the markets like a pro gently touching the small of my back, i took that as a sign that he was interested.  So when i was given the opportunity, i returned the gesture.
We went down into this little underground vintage market and it was full of once loved little trinckets.  We found this little shop that had some vintage magazine adverts, hairdryers and a Harry Potter book?!  Hmm, strange.  Anyway, The Boy found an old Brylcream advert that he really liked and decide to purchase it so he could frame it.  I chose that moment to ask him if he was ever called an abbreviation of his name and he said no, so i tested my Italian accent out (he's italian did i mention?) and said his name and i just rememeber his eyes glowing at me and him then kissed me....It was perfect!
He grabbed my hand and with my head rested beautiflly on his shoulder, we walked out of that vintage market grinning from ear to ear.
The rest of the afternoon was a blur of shopping, talking, laughing, drinking prosecco, dumplings, more prosecco, kissing, a trip down a dark alley and my favorite part; the banter!  Best date ever! 

And now almost 5 weeks on, its like our first date everytime i see him and for the first time in a long time, i'm taking it slow and getting to him from the inside outside.

Watch this space!

Love, Sassy

Thursday 4 August 2011

So it's taken some time to finally get here....

I can't believe how out of habit i have gotten, I enjoy writing so much and yet it i haven't written in a month!

Now I'm trying to think what i have to write about, where to begin!

I went to visit Little Miss Lola a few days after her arrival and she is just so cute, so tiny at 6lbs 4oz (I'm thankful for that, considering the horrid pregnancy Kerry had).  

I'm so happy I get to spend Mondays with them now because my roller derby team the MK Concrete Cows have finally arranged another practise on my day off :)  So no more stress at trying to get to practise on Fridays evenings after work. 

Now in the world of derby, i have finally popped my cherry....well, my bout virginity that is (the other one was lost years ago...).  I was playing on a mixed team with players from teams all over the UK which made up two teams, the Bed Heads (most awesome team ;-) and the Night Owls.  It was hosted by the Northampton Shoe town Slayers as it was there first match too.
I had a few visitors come and watch me play Mummy Scissorhands, The newlyweds and The Boy (you'll hear about him later).  If your just tuning in, go back to one of my previous posts and it will educates you about Roller derby, go on.....go!!!!
So here are so action packed shots from the day. 

Sadly my team lost by a mere 8 points but it was such a great afternoon that i really didn't pay much attention to the score and was very excited to have had my cherry popped...again! ;)

Love, Sassy

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Love, marriage and babies.....

It has been one hell of a Fantastic week!!

I kicked my week off by starting with a date with a lovely guy by the name Nikos with whom I spent the afternoon eating sushi and drinking wine spritzers with talking about art, movies, books and culture! It was probably the most intellectual conversation I have had in a long time and I was surprised that I was able to keep up! Although we had much to talk about there was no spark and I didn't feel the desire to rip his clothes off.....what? On my imaginary check list that is a must to make me want to see them again, it doesn't mean I want to rip them of there and then....ok, sometimes it does!!

I spent the rest of the week in Leeds helping my friend Lizzie prepare for her upcoming nuptials. I met this girl about 3-4 years ago when she was a client in the salon I work At and straight away we got on!! Similar sense of humour, same great taste in fashion and generally I soon met her fella again in the salon and I could see how they were drawn to each!
Rewind a year from now and I was getting sent a picture message of her hand (which first I looked at her nails) and then noticed the beautiful sparkler adorning her engagement finger!!!
She asked me to do the hair for the wedding, but not before asking me to be a guest first. I accepted both offers.
Fast forward a year and we are standing in a church for the rehearsal and 2 days before the wedding they are both asking me to be bridesmaid....what started off as joke very soon turned serious. I was so happy that they had asked me...even though it was a few months late but better late than never, lol!!! Best part, I got to go shoe shopping the next day!!!

The day itself went without a single bump in the road; the hair was perfection, the dresses fitted perfectly and the groom was waiting at the church, result!!!
They chose to walk down the asile to a personal favourite song of mine by Jimmy eat world and I could already tell that it was going to be a special day!!!

Now I have been lucky enough to have been to a mixture of family and friends wedding before but this was the best one I have been too!!! I measure that by the fact that I cried for the first time at a wedding numerous times during the course of the day; once when they kissed for the first time, during the speeches when her papi was talking about love and his late beloved wife and when Lizzie herself took the stage and gave a speech and could only muster a thank you to her bridesmaids through her own tears, and now again as I relive it....*breathe Sassy*

Everyone in the circle around the bride and groom have really formed a bond with each other, we are all looking forward to a reunion and an eagerly awaited dinner at little tokoyo!

It was also a very important day for someone else too, my best friend Kerry had a beautiful little baby girl called Lola. I received the text just as I got in the wedding car leaving for the church and it just made it an even more fansptasic day!! An Aunty and a bridesmaid all in one day!!!

And if i wasn't already a big ball of love and happiness, it seems on the way I have found a little piece of happiness for myself too!

Love, Sassy

Monday 27 June 2011


So here I am, sat in my not so local Starbucks enjoying a fabulously cold mocha frappacino waiting the arrival of a practically blind date.

I was contacted by him on the ever so popular plenty of fish, god I hate the name. Completely ignoring the actual profile and heading straight to the pictures to check him out, he passes the first step. Next I actually read his profile and see what he has to say. Not a lot is written but too much can be off putting. So he warranted a reply.
We spent the evening sending messages back and urth when finally he offered me his number and we have been sending niceties since.
It turned out we both have this week off so we decided to meet.

Now this is my first experiance of dating again since the ex, and although I haven't explained much about it, we all know how that ended!!!!
So I'm starting the next chapter into my single life again!

Feeling nervous and excited at the same time is a odd combination of feelings that I always forget when I go on these "blind" date. But hopefully I will have a pleasant afternoon with someone that can hold a conversation (and actually looks like the picture)

Wish me luck!!

Love, Sassy

Wednesday 8 June 2011

It's sooo frustrating....

So me and the ex finally met up.
It was very last minute and just as it was all sorted (finally) i remembered that i have laringitus and kind of sound like a man when i talk!

I can't begin to tell you how good it was to see him, this time i was actually prepared and didn't suffer from jelly legs or a heart attack.  He looked exactly the same and he smelled yummy, it gave me goose pimples.
I did what i usually do when i'm nervous and i just chat shit, stuff that he doesn't really need to know about i tell him about. 
I can't remember what we was chatting about and he was talking and then just stopped and was looking into my eyes, which made me freak out cos i didn't know what he was looking at but then when he snapped out of it i relised it was the "...i forgot what i was saying and i kinda wanna kiss you" look.  I just wish he did, but sadly he did not.  He always said he liked my eyes (and bum haha) most!
Finally it got to the point we all had been waiting for, "the talk".  It went well, not as well as i hoped but it least it happened.
Its so frustrating cos he just doesn't get it.  I didn't do anything wrong and I've said everything and done everything i could possibly could do, the only factor with it is fucking time, which i have no control over, i feel so powerless.

I still miss him, but its just not the time for us right now.

Love, Sassy

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Seriously, how difficult is it?

Feeling so very frustrated right now.
Almost a week has passed and i still haven't met up with the ex yet.  We are texting most days (which is a good sign) but his inability to make his mind up is REALLY starting to get me feeling angry!

Originally we were meant to meet up on Monday, but as it was the bank holiday he had to work (damn you pub job!!) , which has left us with very little options for us to meet up.

You see, i don't tend to make plans during the week as I'm on my feet all day and plus, i like my sleep!  But for him, i would do any night but of course i don't want him knowing that!  He has put forward the option of this weekend as his dad is away, but under no circumstances will i be going to see him away from public i don't trust myself around him and i fear for his safety ;-)
I just need to not follow my normal reactions to something like this and get impatient. *stops and thinks for a moment*  FFS!!!  Hurry up!  I feel its a delicate situation and one wrong word and its game over.

So anyway, last night we did the cutest thing.  I was watching tv and the advert came on and it always makes me think of him cos he showed me the advert and said he loved it.  Know the advert?  If not it's below....

I text him "I like old movies..." and he texted the response.  We carried on until we had done the whole song (which didn't take long), but yeah, proper made me smile!!

Anyway, one extreme to another i know.....but when it's right, it's right and it's worth the fight :-)

Love, Sassy

Saturday 28 May 2011

Well that was a little unexpected!!

So, here's the story in a nutshell.

Met guy in he salon and straight away liked him but did nothing.  Fast forward to 4 years later, his girlfriend is gone and we finally get together.  Spend the next 2months living breathing each other and then we come to a wall.  Relationship ended as it was the wrong time.  3months later, there are replies to some drunken text messages which  leads us to talking about meeting up next week. now your up to speed without all the unnecessary details and heartache blah blah blah. So, i had just finished work and was trying to get a colleague to come out for dinner (he was ill so declined), i rang my housemate to see if he wanted to order Chinese (my fave) for dinner and just as he picked up the guy from

work changed his mind.  Problem solved!

So anyway, as were walking up the street i saw the EX, I'm sure you have been there and i know its happened to everyone.....just as you lest expect it.  So you can imagine what i was feeling.  My heart was instantly pounding against my chest, my legs turned to jelly, the excitement of seeing him coursing through me, the fear of 'do i look good?' and of course the overwhelming need for a strong alcoholic drink!

He went in for a hug and i just didn't know what to do...I actually couldn't speak or react, luckily i got my shit together and gave him a hug back. So we had a catch up and thankfully, he was the one to bring up us meeting up the following week....i actually could of screamed with happiness as i don't think i would of had the guts to bring it up!  And with a kiss on the cheek goodbye it was left at that and i ran off into the sunset.....Not really but it sounds good huh?!

As soon as i met my friend in the restaurant, i burst into tears with the flood of emotions i was feeling.

What a way to end of day!  Funny thing was, if i hadn't been going for dinner i wouldn't of been walking that way and therefore wouldn't seen him.

Sometimes fate just intervenes.

Watch this space with fingers crossed!

Love, Sassy


Monday 23 May 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy....

What a week it has been!!!
The months just keep flying by and I can't believe that next month we will be half way through the year!

Work is just getting crazy busy for me at the moment, I've got so much coming up in the coming weeks that i don't think i have a weekend where i'm not doing anything until mid July!!!  Not complaining though, keeps me occupied and helps me progress!
So next month I have been invited to attend a Hair Up masterclass with Models 1 Creative director Nigel Barnes.  This is going to be amazing and as this is the area i want to progress into, it will be a great addtion to my skills!

My personal life seems to be on the back burner at the moment, not really much going on, just very sporadic.  As cheesy as it is, me and my housemates are planning a concession of Come dine with me evenings, complete with scoring any everything. Looking forward to planning my menu!! Lol.

Anyway, in the life of Roller Derby.  I have made the decision to switch to the Northampton Showtown Slayers team.  At the moment, The Milton Keynes Concrete Cows only have practise on a friday 7-10 and i work until 7 and most of Fridays don't get out until late and then by the time i get to practise i only get an hour and a half.  So its, totally pointless and i've reach a point now where i'm not progressing.  I was one of the lead people on the team but since they changed the venue and and time, i just seem to suck right now!

Anyway, i need to go source me some food as i appear to have forgotten to eat today!!


Monday 16 May 2011

Where has the time gone?

As i am writing this right now, i am filled with a combination of emotions.  Happiness and sadness but all for someone and people i never met.  I think the feelings that i am experiancing come from the sheer overwelming admiration from all these people, united through the loss of a friend of theres.  It actually has brought me to tears on a few occasions and its kind of a weird feeling....

Anyway, moving onto less depressing thoughts...

So my last few weeks have been SUPER busy with work and Derby Life.

I found out at the beginning of the month that i got accepted onto the Paul Mitchell Media Team.  I spent 5 weeks preparing my appliction form, so i was totally chuffed to be bits to get in, when i got the phonecall it felt like i was on an episode of X-Factor.  So, now that i have the title Senior Associate, i get the opportunity to assist and work on photoshoots, editorial shoots and get asked for quotes about products advice and haird styling tips.  Very cool!  I'm just waiting for my first assignment and then all systems are go!!
Also, in my hairdressing life I am apart of the Paul Mitchell Artistic Education Team, which is a team of hairdressers all over the uk uniting together to teach other hairdressing folk some magical and fantasmigorical colouring and cutting techniques!  This weekend i was away in Exeter and Swindon, it was amazing and as we say 'Teacher learns most', which i definatley felt like i did!

In my derby life, my roller derby team the MK Concrete Cows played our first official bout against Royal Windsor.  We lost by a not too shamefull 103 to 166, which i think is fantastic for a first bout (match to you), but sadly i wasn't there to watch or play as i had to work that day :( booooo! 
A few weeks ago i went to a big mixed training session in Cambridge with the Romsey Town Roller Billies and then this sunday i am with the Hells Belles Rollergirls where my teams mates The Duchess and Betty Knox will be guest coaching. 

Pilled onto of the regular trainging session on friday, its going to be another derby weekend!

I will get my chance to play and kick some derby butt!

Love, Sassy

Thursday 28 April 2011

Just one day to go!

The much anticipated wedding of the year, if not the decade is upon us, tomorrow is the Royal Wedding Of Prince William and Kate Middleton....btw, does anyone actually know what Prince Williams surname is? Hmmm!

Hands up whose excited! *looks around* No one?

I can't overally say that I'm excited, i mean i don't even get the day off because as a hairdresser bank holidays tend not to exist so i can't enjoying watching it, but oh well that's why laptops and live streaming where invented after all.

I am excited about a couple of things, I'm interested to see what is going on in the hair department; will she wear it up or down? Wear a veil?  Her hair always looks amazing, so I'm interested want to see her interpretation of wedding hair is.  I do the most amazing replica (but before it was seen to have the same) of her day look, which i call the Aussie Blow dry because of where i learnt the skill, its simply fabulous darlllllllllllhing!
My prediction for the hair will be a relaxed up do focused to one side or maybe possibly a bun.  Nothing too fancy or fussy.

And of course, how could we forget the dress?!  I don't have any predictions on the dress, but as long as it isn't a big puffy number (which i highly doubt it will be) then I'm happy.  She's a classic kinda girl and i think she will set the new tradition for classic elegance, not trashy gypsy weddings....*shiver* Could you imagine?!

Love, Sassy

Monday 25 April 2011

I went along to a Mixed Scrimmage (thats roller derby slang for a practise match) this Sunday with teams from Bedford and Romsey and then my team the MK Roller girls to take part in some bashy bashy fun.

There wasn't really a schedule for the day so it was nice to have change to practise some drills with other teams and get used to playing different people.  When we are at our regular practise and scrimmaging with each other we never give our hits at 100%, we play nicely with each other, but it doesn't prepare us for a real bout (competitive game) situtaion.  When we play other teams, I actually get scared cos some of these girls are huge and throw some means hits.  
Oh I should really explain what a hit is, cos i'm guessing your thinking a hit is a punch in the face?! Although i do describe roller derby as rugby on wheels...its more like Bulldog on wheels. So back to what i was saying, a hit is when your hit your opponant with either your booty or anything between your shoulder and knee.
Here are some of my injuries:
 This is where my tights were rubbing against the knobbly bit on my ankle and it actualy wore away the skin to pretty much down to the bone!  I have to bandage it up everytime I skate now!

From a fall, i gengerally do a baseball slide.

This is where i fell over the person in front of me and landed on their skates.


This one i am most proud of, this is the result of baseball sliding on just one side!!
I've got some more from this weekend that i'm sure will get uloaded at some point.  None of my injuries even compare to what happened one girl today, she lost her footing and basically her knee went down to break her fall but her body went the other way and when she went to get up 'POP' she went back down and didnt get back up again.  They guessed that she has torn her ligement and so she's pretty much going to be out of derby action for a least 8-10 months....Oh fuck! If something like that happened to me i would be out of derby and work action!  

Even though i know that, i wouldn't dream of giving it up!


Monday 18 April 2011


What a great week its been!!
This week I booked off work just so i can have some home time and catch up with all the things i never get time to do! 
Since, i moved out last October I've been relishing in my freedom away from home but it has occurred to me that most of this week has been spent with family - ranging from blood relatives to those married into the family to those friends that's feel like family.
For someone who doesn't have a mass amount of friends; i could count them on one hand,   Now, once upon a time i felt that was a bad thing, but i have come to realise i would much rather have that handful of people that are truly amazing in my life than a mass of people who aren't.

I spent my weekend with 6 of my relatives, we get together every couple of months for a girls night either at home or out on the town.  I had my renovations about going this weekend because the last time we got together it felt like all they were talking about was kids, husbands, babies, marriage.....and i don't have a sniff of any it.
This time round, it was just hitting a little too close to home because not long ago i had someone in my life which would of given me something in common with them but sadly he isn't around anymore.  So i was back to square one again and didn't need a reminded of it.  I know i can chat about my 'single' life but it just feels like they feel pity for me and its so far away from their life that i really don't think they would want to here about it.

I sucked it up and went along anyway and I'm so glad I did because now i don't feel i have something to be envious of but something to look forward to...but seriously hurry the fuck up already!!!


Monday 11 April 2011

An end to a trumatic day.

So, for the last week my iphone has been going skitzo on me and not letting me use the left side of my screen.
I'm pretty sure that it wasn't anything to do with me changing my cracked screen :)  What? I said 'pretty sure'! Tbf, i did change it about 5 weeks ago so it definitely maybe wasn't that!

So, by suggestion of one of my friends I tried my luck at the Apple store where I was hoping that they would over look my screen replacement.  
When it was time to go to my "appointment" I had everything crossed. The guy took a look at it and come to conclusion that yes it wasn't right.  Although it was out of it warranty by like 20days (....or had any insurance and also invalidated the warranty by opening the phone, shhh!) he was still going to replace the phone FOC!  My mum later told me that he kept looking down my top, I wonder had I worn a higher cut top would I have still got the phone for free?

Not being 100% sure that I had backed up my phone, I wanted to have whatever could that be transferred moved over to the new handset.  Unfortunately, the guy forgot and restored the phone before doing this and it resulted in me crying!  Imagine how the guy felt!  All my contacts, deleted.  All my messages, vanished.  Me, devastated.

Looking at the bigger picture, at least I got a new phone and didn't have to pay for it and there was a possibility it was backed up, which by the way it was.....


Friday 8 April 2011

Back to Derby...

It's been 3 weeks since my last roller derby hit and my legs have got the jelly jiggle back and my thigh high socks are cutting in way too much....3 weeks couldn't of come sooner!
So, as i haven't talked about about myself much (yet) i shall elaborate.  Since June last year i have been giving up my Friday evenings in favour of spending it with skantically clad ladies in fishnets and hot pants, (keeping it simple) skating round and round in circles beating the crap out of each other!!  Pure and simple, i love it!  Its just such an energy release and totally gets rid of that pent up aggression i sometimes get!
Roller Derby was something one of my friends said to me about as she was going to some tryouts, I'd seen that Drew Barrymore film and thought what the hey, so i jumped on board!  
I started skating when i was a kid and i remember my grandpa taking me out in my Mum's original 70's blue and yellow skates taking me up and down the street.  It was something i stuck with and when i was a teenage tearaway, i used to go Rollers every Friday night and meet my friends (and of course, boys!)

As i grew older, i just stopped going but although there were many years gap between when i last skated, my heart did shed a little tear when i heard they were tearing my hangout down in favour of a IKEA.....My childhood converted to dust and then manufactured into a maze of MDF, brilliant!

So, here's a little video for titilation!

So anyway, this weekend something HUGE is happening!  Our capital city team the London Roller Girls are hosting an tornament called 'Anarchy in the UK', which they will be playing against some teams coming from the native land of Roller Derby the USA and also Canada.  Its going to be immense!!!  
This is my first every match that i have had chance to watch (i work saturdays when games are on) and i can't wait!! 
It going to be brutal, its going to be hardcore, but most of all its going to be derby!!!!


Monday 4 April 2011

So, here i am!

So, I turned 26yrs old two days ago and I thought now was a good time to start blogging, I sometimes have a lot to say and sometimes not so much, but either way I have stuff to write about.

Something happened today that made me start my blog.
I will begin by telling you that the day after my birthday was spent holed up in my house in bed watching tv, it was bliss! So to counter balance my day of utter laziness, when I got up this morning I promised myself I was going to have the opposite of days, I was going to get up and make myself feel amazing.

So I had a gorgeous bubble bath and as I was getting dressed I decide it was a day to wear red, its my favourite colour and it always makes me feel sexy, powerful and naturally I grabbed my red patent shoe boots.  
Whilst getting dressed I thought to myself "I want to look amazing today so someone will ask for my number"...I pictured myself reading my book with a coffee and someone approaching me asking me for my number.  I was snapped back to reality with the realisation that if i didn't get my arse into i was going to miss my dentist appointment.

After my dentist appointment, I wanted to kill some time doing some shopping.  I made a bee line for starbucks and got a delicious caramel macchiato and found a comfy spot by the entrance.  Sat reading 'The Secret' and half way through my coffee and mid bite into a chocolate Whoopie Pie, this guy comes up to me and says "I'm sorry to interupt you but I just had to come and comment on your style, you look amazing' so at that moment, i was more worried whether or not I have chocolate stuck in my teeth to notice whether this guy was cute (which he was) i muttered out 'oh....thanxs'.  

We got chatting and he asked for my number......I was blown away so I gave it to him and he went on his merry way and I was left behind gobsmacked!  There was a gentleman sat across from me who saw the whole thing and I just turned to him and said 'did that really just happen?' - we exhanged a few words and then he asked me 'are you reading what I think your reading?' (meaning 'the secret') and had a chat about it....then the guy came back and asked me what i was reading and he knew it as well and had another quick chat about it.

It wasn't until that moment that I realised that I had gotten what i had asked for, I wanted to feel amazing which I did, I wanted someone to ask for my number, which they did......Result!

It doesn't matter if I text him (which i have), but that i made it happen with the sheer power of my mind.....told you red made me powerful ;)
