Thursday 18 August 2011

Brought to you today by the sounds of Adele - 21

I dont' necessary have a topic for my entry tonight but i need to get myself back in the habit of writing on a
regular basis.  But saying that, I have just finished watching the final chapter of Secret Diary of a call girl and having just popped out to the shop found myself narrating my journey through the store just like she does...well i found it entertaining but others just insane....ops!

Me and The Boy are going strong, we have found ourselves into a nice routine of seeing each other only at the weekends as we don't live in the same city.  Despite that, during the week I love the countdown to the weekend knowing that he is my reward for all my hard work that week and that my weekend is finally here.....this week has been excruciating.  I just can't wait to see him!  I hate it when he has to leave me on a Monday morning so he can go to work, i always find myself moving over to his side of the bed and breathing in his scent and falling asleep swiftly as if in his company.

We have briefly talked about the topic of "Us" and although i feel satisfied with how it went, there are still a few things that i feel need to be discussed.
As we are both very vocal about how we feel about each other, at no point i have i felt in the dark and so don't need to know where this is going, it's just one of those relationships that turn into a relationships without the need of "the talk."
I think for you to know truly where someone is emotionally, you need to know where they are coming from emotionally, so in a nutshell......the ex file.  I'm not talking about how they met what they did together i don't give a fuck about that shit, just about how they are feeling emotionally.  Basically, i wanna know if were in it to win it (as they say) or if I'm the rebound girl.  Simple.
Even if its based on real feelings, it's horrible feeling second best and I've been a rebound girl and I'm not going there again. Simple.

Anyway, we shall leave it at that for today.
Love, Sassy

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