Monday 27 June 2011


So here I am, sat in my not so local Starbucks enjoying a fabulously cold mocha frappacino waiting the arrival of a practically blind date.

I was contacted by him on the ever so popular plenty of fish, god I hate the name. Completely ignoring the actual profile and heading straight to the pictures to check him out, he passes the first step. Next I actually read his profile and see what he has to say. Not a lot is written but too much can be off putting. So he warranted a reply.
We spent the evening sending messages back and urth when finally he offered me his number and we have been sending niceties since.
It turned out we both have this week off so we decided to meet.

Now this is my first experiance of dating again since the ex, and although I haven't explained much about it, we all know how that ended!!!!
So I'm starting the next chapter into my single life again!

Feeling nervous and excited at the same time is a odd combination of feelings that I always forget when I go on these "blind" date. But hopefully I will have a pleasant afternoon with someone that can hold a conversation (and actually looks like the picture)

Wish me luck!!

Love, Sassy

Wednesday 8 June 2011

It's sooo frustrating....

So me and the ex finally met up.
It was very last minute and just as it was all sorted (finally) i remembered that i have laringitus and kind of sound like a man when i talk!

I can't begin to tell you how good it was to see him, this time i was actually prepared and didn't suffer from jelly legs or a heart attack.  He looked exactly the same and he smelled yummy, it gave me goose pimples.
I did what i usually do when i'm nervous and i just chat shit, stuff that he doesn't really need to know about i tell him about. 
I can't remember what we was chatting about and he was talking and then just stopped and was looking into my eyes, which made me freak out cos i didn't know what he was looking at but then when he snapped out of it i relised it was the "...i forgot what i was saying and i kinda wanna kiss you" look.  I just wish he did, but sadly he did not.  He always said he liked my eyes (and bum haha) most!
Finally it got to the point we all had been waiting for, "the talk".  It went well, not as well as i hoped but it least it happened.
Its so frustrating cos he just doesn't get it.  I didn't do anything wrong and I've said everything and done everything i could possibly could do, the only factor with it is fucking time, which i have no control over, i feel so powerless.

I still miss him, but its just not the time for us right now.

Love, Sassy

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Seriously, how difficult is it?

Feeling so very frustrated right now.
Almost a week has passed and i still haven't met up with the ex yet.  We are texting most days (which is a good sign) but his inability to make his mind up is REALLY starting to get me feeling angry!

Originally we were meant to meet up on Monday, but as it was the bank holiday he had to work (damn you pub job!!) , which has left us with very little options for us to meet up.

You see, i don't tend to make plans during the week as I'm on my feet all day and plus, i like my sleep!  But for him, i would do any night but of course i don't want him knowing that!  He has put forward the option of this weekend as his dad is away, but under no circumstances will i be going to see him away from public i don't trust myself around him and i fear for his safety ;-)
I just need to not follow my normal reactions to something like this and get impatient. *stops and thinks for a moment*  FFS!!!  Hurry up!  I feel its a delicate situation and one wrong word and its game over.

So anyway, last night we did the cutest thing.  I was watching tv and the advert came on and it always makes me think of him cos he showed me the advert and said he loved it.  Know the advert?  If not it's below....

I text him "I like old movies..." and he texted the response.  We carried on until we had done the whole song (which didn't take long), but yeah, proper made me smile!!

Anyway, one extreme to another i know.....but when it's right, it's right and it's worth the fight :-)

Love, Sassy